31 July 2021
Welcome to Week 12 of 21 Weeks of Resistance, keeping the Foundry Site in the public eye.
The task this week is simple: Share/Like/Retweet our latest post to confirm that, if you're on social media, you're following us and able to amplify our messages.
- Twitter: re-tweet or quote tweet this tweet. Then check here to confirm that you are following us.
- Instagram: like this post... you can also comment on it or share it with a friend. Then check here to confirm that you're following us.
- Facebook: like and share this post. Plus comments welcome! Then check here to confirm that you're following us.
No social media? We bet Doug Ford hasn't heard from you in a while. Why not write him again?
Thanks as always for your activism!
Friends of the Foundry
Our hashtag: #SaveTheFoundry
Social Media tags:
- Twitter: @FoundryFriends
- Facebook: @Friends of the Foundry
- Instagram: @friendsofthefoundry