Week 14: Write Steve Clark

15 August 2021

Welcome to Week 14 of 21 Weeks of Resistance, keeping the Foundry Site in the public eye.

It's been 8 months since Municipal Affairs Minister Steve Clark "paused" demolition of the Foundry buildings. Fortunately little was damaged and nothing irretrievably destroyed when he did so.

The task this week is write Minister Steve Clark an email to remind him that you still want him to do the right thing and Save the Foundry.*

*In a hurry? Read no further. Here's a link to a form that lets you compose your letter quickly.

Your letter should include:

  • Why you're interested
  • How you feel about demolition (e.g. you don't want it)
  • How you think the Foundry could be better used
  • What you would like him to do right now

We recommend you also copy Premier Ford and Infrastructure Minister Kinga Surma on your letter. And please bcc us! All these email addresses are below.

Thank you for your activism!

Friends of the Foundry

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