4 June 2021
Welcome to Week 5 of 21 Weeks of Resistance, keeping the Foundry Site in the public eye.
A quiet week... No activity at the Foundry, aside from the lone guard and one visit from a Quantum Murray worker to check for graffiti (they definitely noticed the chalk but nothing was done about it).
The blog Hiking the GTA has posted a lovely summary of the Foundry situation. The post was also shared in their popular Facebook community, with more than 40K followers.
Let's show them some comment love!
Your task this week is to draw attention to the blog article by commenting on it and/or sharing it.
If you're a Facebook user, comment/share on the linked item in their Facebook page (search @hikingthegta to find them).
"But wait! I don't use social media and I don't want to comment publicly on the article!" No problem. Just email or text the article to 5 of your friends who may not know about it.
Thanks as always for your activism!
Friends of the Foundry
Twitter tags:
- @FoundryFriends - that's us, tag us in!
- @fordnation - Premier Doug Ford
- @SteveClarkPC - Steve Clark, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing
- @KingaSurmaMPP - Kinga Surma, Minister of Infrastructure*
Facebook tags:
- @Friends of the Foundry - that's us, tag us in!
- @steveclarkmpp - Steve Clark, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing
- @fordnationdougford - Premier Doug Ford
- @surmakinga - Kinga Surma, Minister of Infrastructure*
Instagram tags:
- @friendsofthefoundry - that's us, tag us in!
- @fordnationdougford - Premier Doug Ford
- @SteveClarkmpp - Steve Clark, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing
- @KingaSurmampp - Kinga Surma, Minister of Infrastructure*
- [email protected] - that's us, bcc us!
- [email protected] - Steve Clark, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing
- [email protected] - Premier Doug Ford
- [email protected] - Kinga Surma, Minister of Infrastructure*
* updated to reflect June 2021 cabinet shuffle