14 June, 2021
Welcome to Week 6 of 21 Weeks of Resistance, keeping the Foundry Site in the public eye.
This week's task is to share today's Toronto Star investigation of the money and influence behind the Ford government's unprecedented use of the Ministerial Zoning Order (MZO).
Most of this government's MZOs benefit developers the very developers who are among the biggest donors to the PC Party.
The Foundry is subject to one of those MZOs, issued just one month after the Treasury Board approved an "agreement of purchase and sale" for the Foundry site. The identity of the buyer is still undisclosed.
Your task this week is to draw attention to the Toronto Star article by sharing it, while linking it to the Foundry MZO.
The key question: is the unnamed buyer from the September 2020 Agreement of Purchase and Sale one of the developers named in the article?
You can share it via social media or simply by email. Whatever you do, please remember to hashtag #SaveTheFoundry, and to tag us (or bcc us).
Thanks as always for your activism!
Friends of the Foundry
Social Media tags:
- Twitter: @FoundryFriends
- Facebook: @Friends of the Foundry
- Instagram: @friendsofthefoundry
- #SaveTheFoundry
- #NoToMZO
- #HellNoMZO