We have scored some significant wins! Public pressure combined with court action has forced the Province to reconsider the hasty demolition of the site.
The demolition crew have left the site completely until the Province decides how to proceed. This could take months. But it is important to remember that the Province still holds all the cards: they own the site, they have a Minister's Zoning Order (MZO) that gives them the legal right to develop it as they wish. Moreover, back in September they made a deal to sell the site to a developer, who (based on the parameters of the MZO) plans to put three very tall condo towers on it.
Since public attention has played a crucial role in this issue, it is critical that we keep things simmering in the weeks and months leading up to their decision.
Here's how you can help.
Sign up here to receive an easy, fun "virtual protest" assignment every week for next 21 weeks: this takes us up to September.
By signing up, you agree to receive from us a short email outlining a task you can do to help keep the #SaveTheFoundry movement in the public eye. Tasks will take no more than 20 minutes (although you are welcome to spend more time than that).
That's 20 minutes a week to Save the Foundry.
Are you game? YES OF COURSE YOU ARE. Sign up now and get your first assignment!
Assignments so far:
- Week 1: Share your concern about the endangered bats nesting and breeding at the Foundry
- Week 2: Protest the erasure of protest messages on the Foundry hoardings
- Week 3: Protest the removal of the artworks pasted to the plywood on the south wall
- Week 4: Comment on an article on BlogTO about the graffiti wars
- Week 5: Share and comment on the "Hiking the GTA" article about the Foundry
- Week 6: Share and comment on a Toronto Star article about MZOs
- Week 7: Write to new Infrastructure Minister, the Hon. Kinga Surma
- Week 8: Write to John Tory, thanking him for his support and encouraging more
- Week 9: Write to Toronto Centre MP Marci Ien, encouraging her to take an interest in the fate of the Foundry
- Week 10: Send us one or more ideas for new Foundry-related light displays on the neighbouring Canary Park condo
- Week 11: Cite a successful story of adaptive re-use in Toronto, and express your aspirations for the Foundry
- Week 12: Share our latest social media post to confirm that you're following us and able to amplify our messages
- Week 13: Help re-stock the Foundry hoardings with words and images protesting its demolition
- Week 14: Write to Municipal Affairs Minister Steve Clark, and remind him that we still want him to Save the Foundry
- Week 15: Thank Infrastructure Ontario, demonstrating that concessions do lead to shifts in public opinion
- Week 16: Thank the St. Lawrence Neighbourhood Association for taking the Province to court on our behalf